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AEIMN ANZ 2023 Annual Conference Photos v2_Page_1.jpg

Annual Conference

5 & 6 May 2023

Fire and Rescue New South Wales Emergency Services Academy

1-5 Distribution Drive  Orchard Hills  NSW 2748 (Google link)

Theme: Not if, but when: preparing for your next animal emergency incident

Friday 5 May 2023


Opening address      SES Deputy Commissioner David Johnston

Chair's address   Overview of the AEIMN – What have we achieved? Where are we going? Professor Josh Slater| AEIMN Chair

Animal rescue first responders: The consequences of deployment  Dr. Steven De Grey | Massey University VERT

Looking after yourself is not ‘horsing around’  Steven Hall | NSW SES Senior Chaplain

Theme: Vets on the scene
Biosecurity at incidents - zoonotic disease risks and management Dr. Kirsten Williamson Hunter New England Health District
Managing a highly adrenalised animal in a rescue situation  Professor Josh Slater | AEIMN Chair

Rapid Round-up

BARTA                Jim Green | Director British Animal Rescue and Trauma Care Association
New Zealand    Gina Kemp 
 | Senior Advisor, Animal Welfare Programmes (MPI New Zealand)

Australia            Josh Slater | AEIMN ANZ Chair

Theme: Large Scale Disasters

NSW floods – the impact on animals and the response  David King | AEIMN ANZ Vice Chair | NSW SES Hawkesbury Unit Deputy Commander & Jimmy Burnett

When animals can’t be relocated in emergency situations         Slade Macklin | Total fauna solutions

NZ cyclone and earthquake hazards     Georgina (Gina) Kemp | Senior Advisor, Animal Welfare Programmes (MPI NZ)

The many roles of a veterinary nurse in disasters  Erica Honey | Erica Honey Consulting (WA)

Learning from the UK | Australian field trip    Anthony Hatch| FRNSW / NSWSES Griffith Unit  Eric Bast | VIC CFA Macclesfield


Emergency incident management scenario

The anatomy of a lifting operation  Facilitated discussion and demonstration led by David King | AEIMN Vice Chair | NSWSES Hawkesbury Unit Deputy Commander and Josh Slater| AEIMN Chair

"Where to now – how to engage our other States to become more involved in animal rescue?'  discussion.

Day 1 Wrap up          Josh Slater | AEIMN Chair

Saturday 6 May

08.35           Recap Day 1:         Josh Slater| AEIMN Chair

Theme: Racing and Equestrian Settings

BARTA Incident Management at Equestrian Competitions, Enabling Performance Under Pressure

The anatomy of a transport incident rescue operation  Facilitated discussion led by David King | AEIMN Vice
Chair | NSWSES Hawkesbury Unit Deputy Commander  Dr. Steven De Grey | Massey University VERT  Josh Slater| AEIMN Chair

How do we safely transport an injured animal to the veterinary clinic?  Facilitated discussion led by David King | AEIMN ViceChair | NSWSES Hawkesbury Unit Deputy Commander

Race-day situations and non-race-day veterinary requested assistance
Dr. Peter Gillespie | Otago Equine Hospital  | NZ Horse Ambulance Trust

Theme: Animal Welfare

Animal welfare at incidents  Josh Slater| AEIMN Chair   Julie Fiedler |AEIMN Secretary 

Massey University Vet School Veterinary Emergency Response Team     Dr Steven De Grey  & Patrice Palleson-Putt

Theme: Practical session 

The anatomy of a boat based rescue operation (demonstration) Anthony Hatch | NSWSES Griffith Unit | FRNSW

12 noon Next steps for AEIMN ANZ....wrap up and close:  Josh Slater| AEIMN Chair

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