Promoting safer practices at incidents involving domestic animals
Strategy - Policy - Knowledge Advancement- Practices
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AEIMN ANZ is a unique organisation that joins up emergency services and veterinarians, and other stakeholders involved in
animal emergency incident management.
You and your membership have an impact because your support facilitates knowledge sharing for developing safer practices for people and promoting animal welfare and wellbeing through policy and education, participating in developing educational resources, online meetings and educational events and hopefully, by attending our annual conference.
Membership is open to any person who supports the purpose of the organisation including educators, emergency services or animal incident operational persons and other persons responsible for overseeing or delivering animal emergency incident management training in Australia and New Zealand. People involved in policy, WHS, operations, training managers, governance, or other decision-making roles may also be interested in joining or collaborating. We invite you to peruse this website, including upcoming meetings for members and stakeholders.
Membership benefits
Memberships run from 1 July to 30 June. To request to join, please complete the online form.
Individual (full) members: $55 per year.
Access to AEIMN stakeholder forums
Access to the annual conference at a reduced rate
AEIMN newsletters and relevant communications
Access to the British Animal Rescue and Trauma Care Assoc. (BARTA) Moodle educational site
Access to all information in the Members’ portal - includes links to resources, past presentations, special offers and policies.
Access to AEIMN training programs and personnel
Eligibility to stand for committee positions, i.e. Board or Technical Committee
General rights of members as per the AEIMN ANZ Model Rules Item 13 (Constitution)
1 vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or any Special General Meetings.
Agency/Organisation member: $550 per year.
An Agency / Organisation membership is typically for larger agencies or organisations. Organisation may include Emergency Service Organisations (ESOs) / Government agencies or departments / Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) / Businesses / Clubs / Councils / Welfare Organisations.^
An Agency / Organisation membership allows one (1) person to be a full member with all the benefits of an individual member (listed above), PLUS up to twenty-five ( 25) Affiliated members with limited benefits. These benefits are
Access to AEIMN stakeholder forums
Access to the annual conference at a reduced rate
AEIMN newsletters and relevant communications
The agency / organisation is to provide AEIMN with the name of the nominated agency representative who will become the point of contact. The nominated agency representative will be provided with a URL link to register up to 25 additional persons who are a member, employees or registered volunteer of their organisation.
^ Agencies/organisations may consider paying outright or collecting fees from up to 25 interested members. Some organisations may consider applying for a grant or seeking sponsorship to cover education and professional development.
Application process
AEIMN ANZ has Model Rules (available on this page) that outline the process for becoming a member. The first step is to complete this application.
When joining AEIMN ANZ you agree to follow the Model Rules and relevant policies including the Member Code of Conduct.
Once the form is received, the AEIMN ANZ Board will decide by resolution whether to accept or reject the application. If the application is accepted, the applicant will be advised, and an invoice will be issued. Membership commences from the date the fee is paid. The membership period is from 1 July to 30 June each year.
When applying, you may opt-in to have an account set up with the British Animal Rescue and Trauma Care Assoc. Moodle educational site.
At this time, applications can only be received from persons 18 years of age or over.
The Association is incorporated in Victoria. No. A0114345F
(we are a Not -for-profit organisation- not a registered Charity)
Enquiries: Julie Fiedler, Secretary Email: animaleimanz@gmail.com
If you wish to make a donation to AEIMN ANZ
AEIMN ANZ Bank Details
Commonwealth Bank
Animal Emergency Incident Management Australia and New Zealand Inc.
BSB 063-349 A/C 1027 7914