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Resources & links





















Winner 'People's Choice Poster Award' 
AFAC 22 Conference, Adelaide.

(Click image to download file)

AEIMN ANZ Resources

Tips for responders: Applying animal welfare considerations to large animal rescue or relocation


AFAC Guidelines for Large Animal Rescue Operations 


Planning for Animals  with Dr Mel Taylor

AEIMN ANZ 2024 Online Conference  

BARTA Incident Management for Equestrian Events  Jim Green

National Units of Competency & Skill Sets for vocational education  (also suitable for volunteer training)

*Check with for updates and Registered Training Organisations.

ACMSS00018 Large Animal Incident Awareness Skill Set

ACMSS00019 Large Animal Incident Team Member Skill Set

ACMSS00020 Large Animal Incident Specialist Skill Set

ACMAIM201 Contribute to safety at incidents involving large animals
ACMAIM202 Participate in an incident involving large animals

ACMAIM301 Use manual techniques to safely move large animals

ACMAIM302 Perform technical large animal rescue

ACMAIM306 Lead a team responding to a large animal incident

ACMAIM402 Develop a large animal incident response plan for an organisation

ACMAIM403 Undertake complex operations at incidents involving large animals

ACMAIM404 - Collaborate in planning sedation and anaesthesia of large animals in emergency field situations (Release 1)

ACMSS00043 - Community Companion Animal Incident Management Awareness Campaign Officer Skill Set 

ACMSS00042 - Companion Animal Incident Management Planner Skill Set (Release 1)

ACMSS00044 - Companion Animal Incident Management Team Leader Skill Set (Release 1)

ACMSS00045 - Companion Animal Incident Management Worker Skill Set (Release 1)

ACMAIM311- Communicate with companion animal owners about incident management processes

ACMAIM406- Conduct a companion animal incident awareness campaign
ACMAIM502- Prepare plans to set up a companion animal evacuation facility

ACMAIM501- Develop a plan for the rescue of companion animals during major incidents
ACMAIM405 - Determine database information requirements for companion animal evacuation processes and facilities (Release 1)

ACMAIM312 - Perform companion animal rescue (Release 1)

ACMAIM311 - Communicate with companion animal owners about incident management processes (Release 1)

ACMAIM313 - Carry out casualty and post-rescue management of animals (Release 1)

ACMAIM204 - Participate in companion animal rescue (Release 1)


Code of Practice: Managing risks when new or inexperienced persons interact with horses in the workplace.

BARTA Situational Awareness (10 Steps)

Horse SA:  Emergencies: resources for horse owners

NSW SES: Get Ready Animals: Planning for animals ahead of emergencies


National Council for Fire and Emergency Services (AFAC)

British Animal Rescue and Trauma Care Association (BARTA)

University of Davis (US): Veterinary Emergency Response Team

University of Massey (NZ): Veterinary Emergency Response Team

University of Guelph: Large Animal Rescue

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