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AEIMN ANZ is a unique organisation that joins up emergency services and veterinarians, and other stakeholders involved in

animal emergency incident management.


You and your membership have an impact because your support facilitates knowledge sharing for developing safer practices for people and promoting animal welfare through policy and education, for example, developing educational resources, and holding an annual conference, online meetings and forums.

Membership is $55 per year (July- June).  To request to join, complete this online form 

When applying, you may opt-in to have an account set up with the British Animal Rescue and Trauma Care Assoc. Moodle educational site. 


Your donations to assist with the provision of services is greatly appreciated. 


If you are potentially  interested in sponsorship, supporting or partnering for events, research or related activities please contact the Secretary, Julie Fiedler on email or text 0477 162 727 for a return call.

Bank account details:

Commonwealth Bank

Animal Emergency Incident Management Network Australia and New Zealand Inc.

BSB     063-349

Ac No  1027 7914

For international transfers, the Swift Code for Commonwealth Bank, Melbourne is CTBAAU2S3FX


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